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Ellen DeGeneres Surprises High School Students with Scholarships to CofC

Posted by: murphys2 | March 12, 2019 | No Comment |

They thought they were going to The Ellen Show on Monday, March 11, 2019, to talk about their goals of becoming teachers. But high school students Jaheim President and Darius Smith got a lot more out of the visit than just good conversation.

Smith told host Ellen DeGeneres that he found out earlier this year that he had been accepted to the College of Charleston. President said he was still waiting to find out if he would be joining the Cougar family.

“I’ve been stressing out for the last five months, but I believe in positive energy, so College of Charleston, if you’re watching this, accept me now,” he said with a laugh.

It turns out, the TV host had the answer to President’s quest to become a Cougar.

“We may have told them to slow the process down,” DeGeneres said. “We may have said we would like to let him know, so the answer is here in this envelope. I think your mother’s going to be happy if this works out. And if not, we really picked a bad time to have you on.”

Peering into the envelope, DeGeneres said, “Uh oh, you’re certainly going to college!”

Story by Amanda Kerr. For more on this story, check out The College Today!

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