
Born in Bowling Green, Kentucky and raised in northern New Jersey, Professor Del Mastro earned his B.A. at Wake Forest University, his M.A. at Middlebury College, and his Ph.D. at the University of Virginia. After defending his doctoral dissertation, “Dr. D” relocated to Charleston, South Carolina to begin a career at The Citadel, where for 18 years he developed and taught a variety of courses to include Spanish language and literature, and Hispanic culture and business. He also served as Head of The Citadel’s Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures from 2006-10.

In July 2010, he joined the College of Charleston to serve as Chair of the Department of Hispanic Studies for over 9 years, during which time he also served for two years as Interim Chair of the Department of German & Slavic Studies.  In August 2019 he was appointed Associate Provost for Curriculum and Academic Administration, and two years later his role expanded with overseeing the Office of the Registrar and the Center for International Education as Associate Provost for Academic and International Programs; in 2023 he was additionally assigned the Office for Institutional Effectiveness.

Dr. D’s research includes higher education foreign language programs; the history of Hispanic professional organizations in the U.S.; Spain’s Generation of 1898 literary movement; the Spanish novelist Carmen Laforet (Spain’s equivalent of the United States’ J.D. Salinger), and female identity, psychosocial development and psychoanalysis in 20th century post-Spanish Civil War narrative. In addition to multiple book chapters and numerous articles and notes in referred academic journals, he has published a Spanish literature anthology (McGraw-Hill 1998) and a history of the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society (Juan de la Cuesta 2020):

“This book is a gem! Full-sized, with over 80 photos (many in color), it comes meticulously researched and is beautifully organized. … Professor Del Mastro has done a superb job in capturing the extensive and detailed history of the extraordinary accomplishments of this Society.”
Mary-Anne Vetterling, Regis College
Hispania, September 2020

His most recent book, co-edited with Dr. Caragh Wells of the University of Bristol (UK), commemorates the centennial of Carmen Laforet’s birth (Albatros Ediciones 2022):

Carmen Laforet: Después de Nada, mucho sets an example of a critical engagement with this author that is intellectually adventurous yet theoretically rigorous. It is also a great pleasure to read for anybody who is interested in Carmen Laforet.”
Olga Bezhanova, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Hispania, September 2023

“Celebramos las contribuciones recopiladas en esta cuidadosa edición, cuyos ensayos además de desempolvar y rescatar la amplia prosa de Laforet, ofrecen nuevas lecturas e invitan a acercarse a la importante producción de la escritora española.”
El Post Antillano, April 9, 2024

“No podíamos esperar menos tratándose de los editores y del resto de participantes de este estudio, todos excelentes especialistas laforetianos… Volumen histórico, sin duda, es este Carmen Laforet: Después de Nada, mucho. Lo es por la razón del homenaje que se le brinda a la autora con motivo del centenario de su nacimiento; pero, sobre todo, por el compendio de aportaciones que en él se han reunido, abarcando todo el espectro creador de Carmen Laforet y estableciendo un pilar ya fundamental en la bibliografía de los estudios laforetianos.”
Francisco Juan Quevedo, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Anales de la literatura española contemporánea, 49.1, 2024.

“…esta colección de ensayos se presenta como una obra imprescindible para aquellos que deseen profundizar en el rico universo narrativo de Carmen Laforet. Los enfoques
novedosos empleados en estos ensayos permiten una exploración completa de su obra, abriendo nuevas perspectivas desde diferentes ángulos. Para cualquier hispanista o
amante de la literatura en español, esta obra se convierte en un recurso fundamental que enriquecerá su comprensión de la autora, su legado literario y de la compleja época de la
posguerra española.”
Jessica Rodrigues Poletti, Georgetown University
Revista de ALCESXXI, 6, 2024.

Beyond his research, Professor Del Mastro founded the refereed student journal El Cid (1993), co-founded the international refereed journal Decimonónica (2003), and he is Editorial Board Member of Albatros Ediciones, El arte de la crítica, Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, and MIFLC Review; Founding Advising Editor of Hispanic Studies Review; Full Member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language; Correspondent Member of the Royal Academy of Spain; Life Member and founder of the College of Charleston’s Hispanic Studies Advisory Board; and Member of the Executive Committee of the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, among other activities.

Dr. Del Mastro (right) upon his admission into the North American Academy of the Spanish Language as a Full Member and into the Royal Spanish Academy as a Corresponding Member. December 4, 2018, New York City.

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