Adjunct faculty are by definition part-time employees. While they may be considered as part-time, their impact on our students is certainly long-term and enduring. Our adjuncts are selfless business “all-stars” who teach courses in their areas of expertise. They provide a strong practitioner perspective that our students embrace. The School of Business is fortunate to have 29 of them. Here’s a description of a few of them:
- Tommy Baker, President and CEO of Baker Motor Company, School of Business Entrepreneur-in-residence and serves on our Board of Governors, co-teaches “Seminar in Entrepreneurship”
- David Morgan, President and CEO of Litton Entertainment, also serves on our Board of Governors, teaches “Business of Television”
- Leonard Hutchinson, president of the Charleston area Wells Fargo Bank, teaches “Intermediate Finance”
- David Holscher, general manager of the North Charleston Coliseum, Performing Arts Center, Charleston Areas Convention Center, teaches an Events Management course
- Garth Cook, director of leadership development and training for the Boeing South Carolina site, teaches “Management and Organizational Behavior”
- Everett Wilcox, partner of Alston & Bird, teaches “Negotiation”
- James Davis, assistant dean for finance for the South Carolina College of Pharmacy, teaches a series of “Public Purchasing” courses.
- Richard Bilas, former president of the California Public Utilities Commission, teaches “Environmental Economics”
- Cynthia Grosso, founder of the Charleston School of Protocol and Etiquette, teaches “Business Etiquette”
- Arthur Richek, financial executive with more than 30 years of general and financial managerial experience, teaches “Introduction to Financial Management”
- James Kindley, founder of UNBLOCKS, a consultative/teaching firm specializing in providing companies with assistance in improving their new product development programs, teaches several strategic planning courses
- Skip Martin, attorney at law, teaches several courses, including “Franchising & Contracts in the Hospitality and Tourism Management Industry”
Based on the conversations I’ve had with many of our adjunct faculty, they seem to get as much out of the classroom experience as the students do. They tell me that they enjoy interacting with young minds and playing a part in their future. On behalf of the entire College of Charleston, and especially the School of Business, I can’t tell these “volunteers” how much we appreciate their taking the time to share their expertise with our students.