Want to become 1337? Start here.
Some of the most common questions the club gets are “Where do I start?” or “How do I start learning?”. The first thing we always tell them is strap in for a wild ride. We then point them to some or all of the following links. These can all be found strewn about our Slack. We wanted to make it easy for you all and provide a list of some of the greatest resources on the web. Be sure to check back every so often as we are always adding new sites to this list!
Ready? Here we go!
Bandit – Start here. This will start with the basics of bash and end with teaching you how to break out of a shell.
Leviathan – Learn to exploit some common web application vulnerabilities.
Hacksplaining – Learn about common vulnerabilities with real world examples.
Powershell – We know, Windows isn’t everyone’s favorite; but in the real world many businesses use Microsoft extensively, or even exclusively.
OWASP Top 10 – This list is a “must know” for any interview in the industry.
Exploit DB – Grab some cool VMs and run through them to test your new skillz.
Visit Black Room Sec’s site here for a more comprehensive list!
As with anything worthwhile in life, this will take a significant commitment of time and effort; but if you don’t start now, then when? So make a plan, buckle down, and get hacking!