DoS Traffic & Repeatable Experiments (Freshman, Sophomore): Students will create a small network environment, run DoS attack, and perform repeatable experiments.
Student Contributors: Harrison Ledford, Eduardo Castillo, Blaine Billings (CofC) - Intrusion Detection Systems Lab (Easy) (Sophomore, Junior): Students will use Snort Intrusion Detection System to detect DDoS attacks.
Student Contributors: Blaine Billings (CofC)
- Password CTF (Freshman, Sophomore): Students will use crypto tools and pivot through different machines. Student Contributors: Blaine Billings, Nate Smith (CofC)
- Digital Certificate – Issuance and Revocation
Student Contributors: Qiqing Yuang, Robin Hung (JHU)
- Ransomware(Freshman, Sophomore): Students will learn about ransomware and reverse engineer a simple ransomware program. Student Contributors: Blaine Billings, Nate Smith (CofC)
- Penetration Testing with Kali Linux(Junior, Senior):
Students will learn how to use Kali Linux to pen test vulnerable VMs. Student Contributors: Chloe Stapleton , Thomas Setzler (CofC)
- Introduction to Steganography(Freshman, Sophomore):
Students will learn basic linux tools to look inside media for hidden messages. - Introduction to Shodan(Freshman, Sophomore):
Students will learn how to use Shodan to find real IoT devices and other computers in the wild.
- Digital Certificate Authority Hierarchy
Student Contributors: Yu Tsern, Robin Hung (JHU) - Intrusion Detection Systems Lab (Hard) (Junior, Senior): Students will use Snort Intrusion Detection System to detect DDoS attacks.
Student Contributors: Harrison Ledford, Blaine Billings (CofC)
Correlation and Mitigation of DDoS (Junior, Senior): Students will use Software Defined Network (SDN) features to correlate data and find the attacker and drop the malicious traffic.
Student Contributors: Harrison Ledford, Mac Knight (CofC) - Covert Storage Channel: students will create storage channel traffic by manipulating TCP flags and will detect it by using a distance measurement between regular and covert traffic.
Student Contributors: Mac Knight, Liangjia Fu (CofC, JHU)
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