07/20/2022 Hanging Bridges

Today we went on the hanging bridges, the views were absolutely breathtaking and you could see all through the valley. There were 8 hanging bridges we went on and some of them were very long, it was a little nerve-racking feeling the bridges swing. When we were all walking on the bridges together the bridges would swing pretty aggressively because we were all walking haphazardly which did not help to keep the bridge steady. Unfortunately, we did not see any wildlife when we were there, it started to rain on us, and did not want to be on metal bridges in case of lightning. Later that night we went to Baldi thermal hot springs and spa, this was an insane experience where there were thermal pools everywhere all ranging in temperature. There was a slide there that is notorious for giving people concussions, thankfully none of us went on it but I could only imagine what that would be like. After the thermal pools, we had dinner there and came back to the hotel, and went to bed super early.

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