Author Archive | mayma

Anti-War Poetry in the Aftermath of Two Wars, a Deep Dive into the Differences.

As long as humans continue to fight in wars, there will be people who oppose wars. War poses a moral dilemma that often leaves people reeling.  Opposition to the death, destruction, and catastrophe that characterizes many conflicts finds itself in songs, journalism, and poetry.  Writers vent their frustrations on paper to cope with things they […]

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In Response to Notes for Echo Lake 4

Did he talk to you Did you she what she saw I do the talking My words formed by turns and curves The lion spoke It spoke to me As the dog barked The shadowy dog barked Did you hear the juggler Did you hear the embarrassed juggler Is she in the portrait Did they […]

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A Look at “Audre Lorde: Influence, Sisterhood, Legacy”

According to many critics and writers, Audre Lorde had many titles and a place in literary history. In the article “Audre Lorde: Influence, Sisterhood, Legacy,” authors Eve Oishi and Jennifer Bowen focus on all the people that Lorde was during her life.  Poetry cannot exist without poets, and different schools of poetry grew around these […]

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In a Field at Dawn

In the morning First light appears across the fields The first bird calls out, Heralding the arrival of a new day   A decade prior Looking out across the vast ocean above the breaking waves. Foam gathers into shapes and places People I knew, and buildings long gone Another wave breaks, breaking brick and mortar […]

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Gregory Corse’s “The American Way” Close Reading

Gregory Corso’s “The American Way” puts a primary focus on what could potentially lead the country into ruin.  The speaker focuses on the forces at play within the country that could spell out an impending doom for the nation.  Ideologies and ideas are crashing together, but America seems ready to repeat the mistakes of the […]

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