On April 25th, the Department of Computer Science faculty, staff, and students participated in Harbor Walk After Five, an annual event that wraps up the spring semester and centers on senior capstone projects, poster sessions, demonstrations and ‘industry projects’ presentations.
The event, which took place in Harbor Walk West, Rooms 213, 211, and 217 and Harbor Walk East Room 203 (Innovation Center), kicked off at 5:15pm with opening remarks from both the department chair, Dr. Sebastian van Delden, and the Director of Data Science, Dr. Paul Anderson.
Sessions1 and 2 ran concurrently in HWWE 213 and 217 and featured the following presentations:
Session 1
5:30-5:45pm – Bosch: Target Charts
Josh Glass, Omer Omer, Kyle Click and Samantha Word.5:45-6:00pm – Bosch: Calendar & Event Manager
Eduardo Abreu, Jasmine Mai, and Matthew Schwarz6:00-6:15pm – CofC: Network Hardware Resource Management Joseph Spencer, Andrew Miller, and Jayse White
6:15-6:30pm – N3twork: Legendary Selfie Cam
Noah Griffin, Justin Wooton and Baylee Sims6:30-6:45pm – N3twork: Trending Apps Detection
Zach Kidd, Ekaterina Mizgireva, and Katherine Balcewicz
Session 2
5:30-5:45pm – MUSC: Emergency Department Flow
Networkwith Jasmine Smallwood, Tyler
Newman, Julian Smith, and Gary Webb.
5:45-6:00pm – Kopis USA/Vigilix: High Priority Alert Prediction with Chase Hendley, Caroline Oliver, and Jamie Gilchrist
6:00-6:15pm Booz Allen Hamilton: Encrypted Survey Tool with Justin Arends, James Thurlow, and Zach Coffman
6:15-6:30pm – Blackbaud Labs: IoT for Social Good with Brian Steele, Elaina Cole, and Sarah Nicholson.
6:30-6:45pm – Benefitfocus: Understanding the Impact of Medical Plan Design on Healthcare Utilization with Sonia Kopel, Alex Giarrocco, and Neal Sakash.
From 6:45-8:00 PM, students completing their Computing in the Arts course of study presented capstone demonstrations in Harbor Walk West, Room 211 with Dr. Bares which included the following projects by these students:
Johnny Bello-Ogunu – European Bubble Art – The world of European architecture in the eyes of bubbles.
Mitchell Boyer – Finite State Machine 3D Art Portfolio – a virtual fantasy environment populated with original 3D models and NPC controlled behaviors using finite state machines.
Miah Bundy – Cheer Up – An interactive visual simulations of living with depression and anxiety, which uses impressionism as inspiration for its style.
Chase Bunes – Sonification and Spatialization using OSC – User interface to create customized sonification of data.
Julie Chea – Step In – An immersive use of artistic space to encourage empathy building, enlightenment, and understanding in the form of a human puzzle game.
Bobbi Jo Culbertson – TetriColor – Web-3D game to teach principles of color theory.
Savannah Floyd – The art of mapping – An interactive mobile application that converts the user’s real-time location data into a piece of art.
Madison Maniaci – Dance Motion Capture with Simulated Nature Effects – Motion capture dance choreography with simulated particles responding to dancer.
Curtis Motes – BoomerAang – Virtual Reality game with level designs inspired by low-counry art.
Rachel Steele – Senti Photo Mod – Taking sentimental analysis of text and reflecting that sentiment through photo mutation.
Jesse Taylor – Project Edify – VR language learning aid, similar to flashcard based systems for learning vocabulary of Japanese.
Ron Taylor – Dynamic Music – Generating music dynamically through user action in a VR game experience.
Concurrently, in Harbor Walk East, Suite 203 with Dr. Bowring, the Software Engineering Open-Source Capstone Poster Session featured the following:
Contributing to Code for Social Good: An Exercise in Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software with Emily Coleman, Gabrielle Cozart, and Savannah Floyd
Building Sakai: Working with Established FOSS with Maz Little, Zack Cuomo, Josh Lettie, and Joseph Ayers
Contributing to Hospital Run with Scott Stolarski, Ben Muldrow, J-M Baldy, and F. Atoche
Matplotlib: An Experience in Open Source Software with Matthew Adamson, Matthew Bell, Ben Buckwalter, and Phillip Wilson
Contributing to Free and Open-Source Software: Experiences with CodeCombat with Tristan McCarty, Michael Eskew, Ricky Ramos, and Matendo Rugema
Contributing to Jupyter Notebook with Drew Bigelow, Ethan Hendrix, Patrick McCardle, and Cass Outlaw
Enhancing Jupyter Notebook’s UX with Matt Kay, Mac Knight, Charles Sommer, and Hitarth Patel
Industry partners and community members also attended the event, remarking on student’s professional manner and ability to effective relay their technical stories.
Congratulations CS Graduating Seniors! Here’s to a bright future in Computer Science!