The Department of Computer Science at the College of Charleston is pleased to have hosted the 36th Annual High School Programming Competition on Friday, February 23rd from 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM, finishing with an awards ceremony. Prizes and swag were supplied by Soteria and NodeSC.
This year boasted the highest number of registered teams, 35 from across North and South Carolina as compared to last year’s 18, and had a combined participation of over 115 students and teachers.
Participants were treated to pre-competition tours of the Computer Science Department including the Innovation Center, which features workspace for CS students, a rapid prototyping makerspace, a virtual reality room, and a co-location space for corporate partners.
Students and teachers also had open access to the variety of technologies available in the center, including the virtual reality room, 3D Scanner, Resin 3D Printer, Filament 3D Printer, and the Stäubli Robotic Arm.
Teams participating in the competition worked to solve a number of ICPC-style programming problems and were required to use the Python or Java programming language to create their solutions.
Winners were determined by number of problems solved within a given time period with time taken to solve the problems used in the case of a tiebreaker.
Twelve High Schools were represented this year, including Academic Magnet, Ardrey Kell, Blythewood, Carrboro, Charlotte Latin School, Charlotte Math Club, Dreher High, Panther Creek, Porter-Gaud, Spring Valley, Wando, and North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics.
Kudos go out to team Slack Overflow from Panther Creek High for placing 3rd in this year’s intense competition and also to team Kate from Charlotte Math Club for taking home 2nd.
Congratulations to team O(log(n)) from North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics for earning the distinction of First Place!
Final Scorecard (In order to encourage broad participation individual schools cannot have more than one team place.)
A special thank you goes out to the following intrepid Computer Science Student volunteers for helping facilitate this year’s event:
- Carson Barber
- William Blanchett
- Xandre Clementsmith
- Emily Coleman
- Gabrielle Cozart
- Sophia Frankel
- Kyle Glick
- Rex Ferrer Gordon
- Chloe Harris
- Megan Landau
- William Meis
- Makayla Middleton
- Chloe Stapleton
- Sarah Winegar
- Sam Word