Research Lab Spotlights: Acoustics Research Lab and Cyber Infrastructure Research and Development Lab for the Earth Sciences (CIRDLES)

Acoustics Research Lab:

Dr. Bill Manaris’ new Acoustics Research Lab merges research in computer science with acoustics, music, sound, interaction, and avant garde forms of music composition and performance, as well as music technology.

Research topics include: sonification and interaction design, spatial audio and virtual/augmented reality, music performance and digital musical instruments, interfaces for musical expression, including sensors and hardware, interactive audio and game audio, telematic performance. He and his students explore all aspects of computer science (artificial intelligence, big data, human computer interaction, etc.) as they contribute to the above areas.

To read more about the lab or get involved, visit:


Cyber Infrastructure Research and Development Lab for Earth Sciences (CIRDLES):

Dr. Bowring is having another very busy semester in his Cyber Infrastructure Research & Development Lab for the Earth Sciences or CIRDLES Lab for short. No less than 15 students (mainly all undergraduates) are working in his lab on projects this semester.

CIRDLES specializes in the collaborative development of free open source software to support science domains. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers 0930223 and 1443037. It is one of eight active research labs in our department. See them all here:…/Undergraduate%20Research/index.php.