Gino’s Bakery
*This quaint, family owned and operated bakery is ideal for someone looking to stop somewhere that speedily serves flaky pastries and strong coffee.*
Sick of Slow?
You’re someone who weaves their way in and out of mind-numbingly crowded streets, someone who anxiously taps their foot while waiting for their coffee on their way to work, and finally, you’re someone who always has a different place to be and a different task to complete. If when you were reading the previous sentence you felt as if I was peering into your soul, then boy do I have the perfect hidden gem for you. Assuming you’re a frantic, frenzied individual from the Northeast like myself, Gino’s Bakery is your cup of tea, or more appropriately, your foamy, frothy cappuccino. A diamond in the rough located in a land where a slow lifestyle is cherished and encouraged, Gino strays from Italian tradition and feeds my craving for my usual, bustling Bostonian lifestyle.

Here’s How Gino Can Help…
Gino, a one-man assembly line, knows his idyllic oasis that stands within a modest, vertical shaped storefront is a place meant for someone who’s not necessarily in need of a leisurely bite. As you take your first steps into the bakery, you are enveloped by a frenzy of fast-pace enthusiasts: Gino acts as the puppeteer, maneuvering the strings of the well-oiled machine. The shop owner paces back and forth behind the confines of the glass pastry case where he caters quickly to those whose hands are flying in the air. The excessively outstretched limbs point viscously at the delicious pastries that float before their eyes. One second their hands are empty, and the next, they look down to see a croissant in their left and a cappuccino in their right; Gino has served them as speedily as they sputtered their orders at him.
Do I Need to Break the Bank?
Unlike some of the other sidewalk cafés that dot the streets of Florence, Gino’s does not charge you five euros for a cappuccino that can be finished in one measly sip. Just two euros will buy you the perfect early morning pick-me-up. I’d also like to point out how he manages to construct this larger cappuccino much quicker than the small ones you typically receive from those other overpriced joints. Additionally, for those of you looking to treat that little sweet tooth of yours, you can snag one of his prized cannoli’s for just three euros. With that price, maybe you’ll buy all the offered flavors that tantalize your eyes with their crispy crunchy shells and smooth and creamy fillings.
Who’s This So-Called Genius, Gino?
As professed in the earlier paragraphs, Gino is a man who seeks to serve those to whom fast pace is familiar. A man eerily similar to my PaPa, Gino will greet whoever walks into his shop with a smile as sweet as the sugar-dusted pastries that are strewn across each other in the glass display cases. How he manages to stay so calm among the chaos and craze that ensues from those crazy for his croissants baffles me. The shop is stiflingly hot from the heat radiating from those inside who are packed into the close quarters like sardines. However, Gino does not let this interfere with his groove. The marvelous man will swiftly craft your cappuccino with a smile on his face while simultaneously ringing you up at the register. For someone who hardly speaks or understands English, this man has made me feel more at home than anyone else I’ve encountered here.

How Do I get The Full “Gino’s Experience?”
Although your experience at Gino’s will be short-lived due to his ability to serve you at the speed of light, you can prolong the joy you feel when inside the bakery by stopping by once in the morning AND once in the evening. In my eyes, one trip to Gino’s in a day is just not enough…take my advice and I’m confident you’ll feel the same.
Gino’s In the A.M.
For early risers like myself, I walk into Gino’s just as the warm morning sunlight seeps into the shop’s front window. The gooey glaze that Gino has just painted onto the fresh, flaky croissants makes the pastries sparkle and shine in the glass case that is heated up by the striking sunlight. In my eyes, the perfect pastry to be paired with one of Gino’s frothy, delicious cappuccinos is the intricately designed apple and cheese danish. It is at this time of day that the shop is at its quietest; you can really observe and marvel at the ease with which the motions of the shop are carried out. Despite the sleepy air that surrounds the bakery in its early hours, the fast-pace environment is not compromised. When I walk in and greet Gino, there is an understanding that I’m in a hurry and about to make the long trek to school where I’ll have to weave in and out of the masses of people. Within two minutes, I’m springing out the door, cappuccino and croissant in hand, with plenty of time to spare…thanks Gino!

After the Sun Has Set…
Following a Florentine day full of miles upon miles of walking, weaving in-and-out of confused tourist groups, and picking up some produce from Sant’ Ambrogio market, one should reward themselves with yet another trip to my favorite hidden gem. Unlike the rest of the day’s long-winded adventures, you can take a sigh of relief knowing that this last stop will run smoothly with speedy efficiency. Upon your arrival, do you choose coffee, chocolate chip, pistachio, or cream filling for the cannoli that taunts your yearning eyes? Why not all four? You know it won’t take long for Gino to swipe one of each from the display case. Split the sensational Italian desserts in order to sample all of Gino’s genius fillings that ooze out of the golden-brown shells.
Where can I find Gino’s Bakery?
Via de’ Guicciardini, 3/5, 50041 Firenze FI