Stirling, Scotland by Shelby Olive

As the daughter of an Air Force pilot, I’ve gotten to experience the thrill of moving plenty of times before. I’ve moved from the West Coast to the East Coast and from bluebonnet planes to pluff mud and coastal tides. Every time I relocated; I was always taken aback by just how many differences those United States had to offer. How, even though it was just a few states over,…

Travel on a Budget by Adam Schaich

Hello again! For this blog post, I’ll be sharing my traveling experience while living and studying in Stirling, Scotland. Studying abroad is fantastic for immersing yourself in whichever country you intend to live in. If you are lucky enough to be studying in Europe, like I am, it is hard to deny that it is incredibly cheap and easy to travel to a plethora of different countries and cities. For…

Slàinte Mhath by Shelby Olive

In Scotland, the locals do not simply utter ‘cheers’ in times of celebration, but rather, a saying that means “good health to you”: Slàinte Mhath! In my time abroad, I’ve found that the Gaelic tongue is not one that is frequently uttered, but one that is still fondly preserved within Scottish culture. Printed on railway signs, bottles of Irn-Bru, (a Scottish born and brewed ‘fizzy juice’!), and historic plaques, it…

Intro by Shelby Olive

Hello from the heart of Scotland! My name is Shelby Olive and I am a Computing in the Arts (CITA) major and sophomore at the College of Charleston. I am currently studying abroad at the University of Stirling in Stirling, Scotland as an Undergraduate Exchange Student within the Faculty of Arts Program. Going into the study abroad process, I was faced with a lot of questions regarding program choice. There…