Reflection on my Chilean Experience by Alina Rosario

My study abroad experience in Santiago, Chile has taught me a lot about the Chilean culture as well as their history and how it affects them today. I think that this experience will help me in my future career in understanding people from different Spanish speaking countries and the difference in native speakers of the language. In my time there, I learned a lot more about the Spanish language and…

Global Classroom by Ainsley Cook

You could definitely say we were immersed during our time in Chile. Contemporary Chilean history is all around Santiago and the University. We would often pass by La Moneda, the president’s building and the site of the military coup in 1973. I lived very close to Plaza de la Dignidad (formerly Plaza Italia) where a lot of the city comes together. Historically this has been a place of convergence for…

Protests in Chile by Leasette Leon

In mid-October, as I was finally adjusting to my new life here in Chile, a mass movement of protests began. These protests first began by a group of high-school students, due to the rise of the metro prices, which was labelled as “Evade”. However, this was only the spark that lit the fire. These protests have now become a national movement for social change. These manifestations have been conducted all…

Visiting Peru by Eric Leon

While studying in South America in Santiago de Chile, we traveled around the continent as well as within Chile.  The study abroad program organized by the College of Charleston included a week-long excursion to Peru at the beginning of October, consisting of Cusco, Ollantaytambo, Aguas Calientes and Lima. This was by far one of my favorite trips I have taken so far and also where I came to learn so…

Reflecting on Time in Chile by Leasette Leon

I believe the greatest opportunity of studying abroad is that I was able to see many parts of the world that I will probably never visit again. Living in Chile for three months, and visiting countries like Argentina and Peru, enabled me to experience new customs and activities. Although, leaving my home for three months was hard, what I was gained from my experience was worth it. I chose to…

Atacama Desert by Annie Perkins

For one of our last trips if our study abroad program, we decided to go to San Pedro de Atacama which is the town right next to the desert. We stayed in some cabins in the center of town right in the middle of all the restaurants. We had a pool in our cabin area, so we spent the first day hanging out by the pool, relaxing, and enjoying being…

Goodbye Chile by Annie Perkins

My overall experience in Chile was absolutely amazing. I loved my host family like my own, and I plan to visit them as soon as I can afford it. My classes were overall pretty good, except for missing a lot of classes due to the political unrest. The weather was completely different than Charleston – opposite seasons and no humidity or rain ever. The city we studied in is huge,…

Chilean Life by Eric Leon

Santiago de Chile is a very busy city with about 6 million people making up it’s population.  There is no doubt that I lived in a booming city. My first month in Chile consisted of me getting comfortable with my surroundings and acclaimed to a life in Chile this fall of 2019.  I was quick to notice the social conflicts within the country, where the society brings attention to these…

Chile by Leasette Leon

When I made the decision to study abroad in a foreign country, I knew I wanted a program that included living with a host family. I believed living with a family would make the transition much easier, than living in a lonely apartment. At first, I was extremely nervous to meet the people I would be living with for the next three months, but I was also very excited. The…