Getting Involved by Lauren Anderson

Before coming abroad, I never realized how much I valued having a routine and doing activities that keep me busy. While I am now fully adjusted, the slow and relaxed Spanish lifestyle was a huge change. During the adjustment period it is so important to find thing you love or even pick up new hobbies that you can enjoy in your host country and even bring back home with you!…

Sevilla by Rex Bingham

Hello! I have been in Sevilla, Spain, for 1 month in the Spring 2022 program. I traveled with the affiliate program ISA, and have had an amazing experience up to this point. Sevilla is a city in the bottom left of Spain, within the territory Andalucia, and is known as the city of oranges for the hundreds of orange trees that are on every sidewalk and park within the city.…

Find Your Place by Elizabeth Edmunds

Hello! My name is Elizabeth Edmunds and I am a sophomore from Lynchburg, VA currently studying abroad in Seville, Spain with ISA at the Universidad de Sevilla. I am studying Elementary Education and Spanish, so I have always known I wanted to study abroad in Spain. Finding the city was more of a decision, but I also loved the idea of a medium sized city, so I found Seville. Once…

Why Australia? by Michaela Califano

Hey! my name is Michaela Califano, I am a sophomore at the college majoring in Exercise Science and am on the Equestrian team. In a little more than a week I will be traveling to a place nicknamed as the “land Down under”, also known as Australia. Most people ask “oh why Australia?” My answer usually is I don’t know it seems like such a cool, interesting place. I have…

Choosing Barcelona by Maner Anne Keller

My name is Maner Anne Keller and I am a Business Administration major at College of Charleston with a concentration in Real Estate. I am a senior and the program I chose to study abroad with is International Students Abroad (ISA). I have always thought studying abroad would be a wonderful experience but I never thought I would have the chance to go abroad, especially since I am a homebody.…

Adjusting to Australia by Jayda Cruz

Everyone says that studying abroad really pushes you to figure out who you are as a person, and they weren’t kidding. Before traveling to Australia, I was fairly confident in myself as an individual, but just after being abroad for a couple of months already, I have grown even more as a person. I have learned how to manage my finances, how to travel by myself, and have become extremely…