A Visit to Portugal by Keisha Z. González Díaz

  As I travelled to Portugal, I was very nervous because of the large language barrier. Portuguese can be like Spanish in some ways, but I did not know any Portuguese except from some songs that feature Portuguese and Brazil artist. However, I was able to understand some of the words around the restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacies and around the city. Also, because we were in the capital, almost everyone knew…

Reflection by Molly Steiner

I have absolutely loved my experience in Trujillo. I’ve gained valuable knowledge about other cultures, people, and countries. I also gained so many new friends on this trip, for which I’m extremely grateful. I was pushed outside my comfort zone in many positive ways. Being in a different country where I was not entirely familiar with the language gave me a new perspective on what it’s like for people to…

Cross-Cultural Influences: Parent and Child Interactions Course by Haley Schonberg

I am very thankful that my study abroad experience has significantly helped prepare me for my future endeavors.  The study abroad I went on was in Florence, Italy.  This was a psychology study abroad where I got to take a psych class entitled Cross-Cultural Influences: Parent and Child Interactions.  This was the perfect course for me because in the fall I am beginning my master’s degree in social services.  Once…

Week Two in Italy by Molli Serdock

Week two in Italy and it has been such a wonderful week! I have been going on awesome excursions this week and learning so much. I am getting my master’s in Child Life and thankfully we have had amazing opportunities this week to work with children in Italy. Starting with going to school and facilitating medical play, visiting an old asylum for the mentally ill, touring a children’s hospital, and…

Andalucía by Molly Steiner

As an entire group, we took a five-day trip to Andalucía, a southern province in Spain. We visited the cities of Sevilla, Granada, and Cordoba. These cities are major tourist sites and have much larger populations compared to Trujillo. Sevilla has a population of close to 700,000. It includes major tourist sites like the Sevilla Cathedral, Jewish quarters, Guadalquivir River, and the Plaza Mayor. Sevilla, as was all of Spain,…