Vamos al Desierto! by Elena Minolfo

The weekend of November 14-17, our whole group went to the Atacama Desert. We planned this trip on the second week that we arrived in Santiago as our last trip of the semester. All 10 of us were able to go, which took a lot of planning, but it worked out in the end. We arrived in the desert at our AirBnb around midnight on the 14th so we all…

Introduction to Chile by Alina Rosario

My name is Alina Rosario, I am currently a junior at The College with a double major in Spanish and International Studies. This fall semester I am abroad in Santiago, Chile taking classes for both of my majors while attending the University of Santiago de Chile. My region of concentration within my major of International Studies is Latin America and the Caribbean and I chose to study abroad in Chile…

Side Trip to Peru by Delaney Cloyd

In early October the group set off for an 8 day trip to Peru, hitting all of the major destinations. We started the journey by flying to Cusco, where we had a couple of days to explore and adjust to the altitude. Adjusting to such a high altitude was much harder than I thought it would be, but absolutely worth it, and it only took one day. We then took…

Getting Situated by Elena Minolfo

I’ve been abroad for approximately 7 weeks now, and during my time here I have had many instances of culture shock and difficult lessons to learn. I’ve traveled a good bit up to this point in my life, and I’ve always liked to see how different countries handle day to day living, but I’ve never been in another country long enough to have to adapt to a different way of…

Protests in Chile by Ainsley Cook

The past few days, Santiago has been on national news for the state of chaos we have been under. Fortunately, I am safe, and the violence seems to be calming down, but there is still a lot that needs to be done before Chile can put these issues to bed. Early last week, the government announced they would be raising the prices for the metro, the most popular form of…

Festivals and Events in Chile by Delaney Cloyd

Our group was lucky enough to be in Chile for their week long independence celebration Fiestas Patrias. We get the entire week off of school, but the fiestas don’t really begin until half way through the week. This gave us time to go explore different parts of Chile on our extended weekend and still arrive back in Santiago for the festivals. There are many things to do during this such…

First Week in Chile by Ainsley Cook

My name is Ainsley Cook and I am in my Junior year at CofC. I am a double major in Hospitality and Tourism Management and International Studies, with a concentration in Latin America and the Caribbean. This semester I am studying abroad through the CofC program in Santiago de Chile. We will spend the whole semester living with host families and taking classes at la Universidad de Santiago de Chile.…

Intro to Chile! by Elena Minolfo

My name is Elena Minolfo and I’m a sophomore studying International Business and Spanish. I am currently studying abroad on a faculty-led study abroad program in Santiago, Chile and taking classes at the University of Santiago de Chile. I chose this program because I liked the fact that I didn’t have to worry about transferring credits from another institution since the classes I’m enrolled in are considered College of Charleston…

¡Hola de Chile! by Delaney Cloyd

Hola, Soy Delaney y estoy un estudiante de Cofc. Mis especialidades son arte y español y deseo que estar al menor en estudios latinoamericanos y caribeños (si tengo el tiempo). Estoy en mi año tercera de universidad y eligió vivir en Santiago Chile para mi programa de estudiar extranjero. Dos años pasados empezaba a investigar el arte urbano de Valparaíso, Chile y el país me fascinaba. Sabia que el solo…