Panamá – Post Trip Reflection by Adam Schaich

For my final blog post, I thought it would be advantageous to both reflect on my thoughts on my trip as well as provide advice for future students who may participate in the same trip. Overall, taking part in the College of Charleston in Panamá trip was an extremely beneficial learning experience for me with regards to both classroom concepts and cultural engagement. Since the study abroad course was considered…

Visiting a New (To me) Part of the World by Adam Schaich

Although I have been lucky enough to travel to dozens of different US states and a number of countries in Europe, I had never visited anywhere in Latin America before embarking on the College of Charleston’s Maymester trip to Panamá to study the Panamá Canal and its related business implications. Having no family of Latin descent and with only classroom experience and Spanish, I had not considered the region as…

Global Classroom – Panamá Study Abroad by Adam Schaich

Hi, my name is Adam Schaich and I am participating in the College of Charleston Maymester Study Abroad to Panamá. This trip is specifically focusing on the Panamá Canal, its operations, and the business impact in both the local community and the country as a whole. Today, I would like to share my experience in the “global classroom.” Through studying abroad and participating in hands on, on-site visits to a…

Global Classroom by Ainsley Cook

You could definitely say we were immersed during our time in Chile. Contemporary Chilean history is all around Santiago and the University. We would often pass by La Moneda, the president’s building and the site of the military coup in 1973. I lived very close to Plaza de la Dignidad (formerly Plaza Italia) where a lot of the city comes together. Historically this has been a place of convergence for…

Reflection on my Chilean Experience by Alina Rosario

My study abroad experience in Santiago, Chile has taught me a lot about the Chilean culture as well as their history and how it affects them today. I think that this experience will help me in my future career in understanding people from different Spanish speaking countries and the difference in native speakers of the language. In my time there, I learned a lot more about the Spanish language and…

Protests in Chile by Leasette Leon

In mid-October, as I was finally adjusting to my new life here in Chile, a mass movement of protests began. These protests first began by a group of high-school students, due to the rise of the metro prices, which was labelled as “Evade”. However, this was only the spark that lit the fire. These protests have now become a national movement for social change. These manifestations have been conducted all…

Learning Everywhere/ Global Classroom by Layne Leggett

June 6th, 2022 Being halfway through my trip abroad with MANTA in the British Virgin Islands, I have already had some of the most amazing experiences of my life. The way in which we are learning is unlike any other, as half of our class has taken place under water. I have worked the first few days of the trip earning my Open Water Scuba Diver Certification and have already…

Reflection by Caitlyn Costa

After a few days back in the city, in the comfort of my own apartment, I have had some time to reflect on my study abroad experience in Panama. Even while I was still there, I knew that this trip was something I would never forget, and I had already been mentally cataloging the main takeaways. My study abroad trip to Panama reinvigorated my sense of adventure, sparked a desire…