Intro by Nikki Taylor

My name is Nikki Taylor, and I’m a marine biology major with a minor in environmental and sustainable studies. I’m a sophomore (rising junior) studying in a faculty-led trip to Panama. The class we’re taking is General Ecology, so this is a very biology-centered trip. Even though it’s not specific to marine biology, I figured the class would still fit my studies because there is some focus on the ocean…

Visiting Peru by Eric Leon

While studying in South America in Santiago de Chile, we traveled around the continent as well as within Chile.  The study abroad program organized by the College of Charleston included a week-long excursion to Peru at the beginning of October, consisting of Cusco, Ollantaytambo, Aguas Calientes and Lima. This was by far one of my favorite trips I have taken so far and also where I came to learn so…

Learning Everywhere by Maggie Laughlin

My favorite day in Montevideo continues to change the more I get to know the city. My current favorite day occurred this past weekend. For my Global Business Management and Viticulture class, we got to go as a class to visit one of Uruguay’s popular wineries, Pizzorno Family Estates. I was expecting that we would just be walking through their vineyards, but I was happily surprised that we would be…

Introduction by Margaret Bowden

Hi! My name is Margaret Bowden, and I’m a junior at the College of Charleston. I’m a Marine Biology and Political Science double major with a minor in Environmental and Sustainability Studies, and this semester, I’m studying abroad in Heredia, Costa Rica through the University Studies Abroad Consortium. I chose my program because it was important to me to be somewhere that spoke Spanish, and the classes that my program…

Murga Porteño by Maddie Davis

This post goes out to my peers who want to move past the tourism sites in their new home and truly experience the local culture. Odds are, if you’re going to study abroad somewhere you probably have had a class that at least referenced that region. Whether this is true for you or not, what’s true for all of us is that our professors are cool. You’re probably thinking, okay…

Argentina by Maddie Davis

My goals for study abroad are to immerse myself in the spanish language and begin to  experience one of the many vibrant cultures that Latin America has to offer. I also wanted to have an internship within the healthcare system so I could learn the language in a medical setting so I needed somewhere that was developed enough to have hospitals similar to our own. Argentina satisfied all of these…

Making Friends in a New Country by Maddie Davis

If you’re anything like me, one of your main goals of study abroad is to come back fluent in your host country’s language! Whether you’re just starting out or have been taking classes for years, making friends is one of the best ways to learn. Making new friends can always be a little intimidating but being immersed in a new culture and language makes the act feel insurmountable. Lucky for…

Short-term Study Abroad Programs Versus Semester-long Programs by Micah Feinstein

I am exceptionally fortunate to have studied abroad several times during my college career. I have completed four short term study abroad programs through CofC. These programs have varied in length and destination: from a one-week spring break trip in Cuba, to two two-week Maymesters in Ghana and Iceland respectively, to a three-week summer program in England and France. Now, I am halfway through my semester abroad in Greece. Other…

Reflecting on Time in Chile by Leasette Leon

I believe the greatest opportunity of studying abroad is that I was able to see many parts of the world that I will probably never visit again. Living in Chile for three months, and visiting countries like Argentina and Peru, enabled me to experience new customs and activities. Although, leaving my home for three months was hard, what I was gained from my experience was worth it. I chose to…