Ecuador by Marchant Harris

My days here in Ecuador are so vastly different than my day to day back in Charleston. My days usually started at 5am from a rooster call (which was annoying at first… but honestly, I kind of enjoy it now) with a fresh fruit breakfast and amazing coffee. When then go on some sort of excursion or hike looking for birds, monkeys, or caymans, depending on the day. Something I…

Global Classroom by Ainsley Cook

You could definitely say we were immersed during our time in Chile. Contemporary Chilean history is all around Santiago and the University. We would often pass by La Moneda, the president’s building and the site of the military coup in 1973. I lived very close to Plaza de la Dignidad (formerly Plaza Italia) where a lot of the city comes together. Historically this has been a place of convergence for…

Reflection on my Chilean Experience by Alina Rosario

My study abroad experience in Santiago, Chile has taught me a lot about the Chilean culture as well as their history and how it affects them today. I think that this experience will help me in my future career in understanding people from different Spanish speaking countries and the difference in native speakers of the language. In my time there, I learned a lot more about the Spanish language and…

Protests in Chile by Leasette Leon

In mid-October, as I was finally adjusting to my new life here in Chile, a mass movement of protests began. These protests first began by a group of high-school students, due to the rise of the metro prices, which was labelled as “Evade”. However, this was only the spark that lit the fire. These protests have now become a national movement for social change. These manifestations have been conducted all…

Favorite Day in Panama by Ella Salinski

My favorite day so far consisted of a data collection lab in which we measured the diversity of echinoderms in a coral reef. The specific echinoderms we were searching for included sea urchins, sea stars, and sea cucumbers. Using tape and flags, we marked off a section of the reef and counted each species of echinoderms that we saw with underwater paper. It was exciting to use new methods and…

Panama by Jianna Wankel

The Institution of Tropical Ecology and Conservation (ITEC) is a remote and off grid lab where the CofC Panama students and I stayed for 2 weeks. ITEC powers themselves through solar energy and a generator which is used sparingly. Every morning the generator was turned on for 30 minutes in order to make coffee. Every night it was turned on so that we could have our lecture. Since Panama is…