Reflection by Lily Stayduhar

I have been back in the States for three days now, and it feels so strange. I already miss everything about Trujillo; my friends, my host family, the food, the town itself, and just the feeling that goes along with living in Spain. It has definitely been one of the best experiences of my life so far. I got to meet new people and learn about their culture, try amazing foods, see so many wonderful places in Spain and Europe, and learn about myself and grow as a person. Being immersed in a different culture for three months has allowed me to expand my identity; I now have two completely different places I get to call home. I am proud of myself for never giving up, even when things felt very difficult. I learned so much in my classes about Spain and culture in general. I have a much better understanding of the language and it felt almost natural towards the end of the trip. I think this experience has helped better prepare me for my future by allowing me to adapt and develop completely new communication skills in a different language and culture. To anyone looking to study abroad in the future, I would say to always have a positive outlook on situations. You’ll want to be able to look back on your time and know you did everything to the best of your ability and did not shy away from new experiences because you were scared. In the future I would love to continue to experience living abroad, no matter what! This trip has shown me that there is so much more to learn and experience in life. Whether it’s studying or working abroad, I know the connections and memories I form will impact me for the rest of my career and life.

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