Trujillo is a small town in the Extremadura region of Spain near Portugal known for its Medieval architecture, picturesque nature, and traditional food. Although I have only been here for a little over a month, I have fallen in love with this city, its way of life, and its people. I am currently living with a host family and have so far enjoyed an immersive experience that has allowed me to truly experience the culture and learn the language.
I usually start my days by getting ready and walking through the beautiful historic city center to get to my 9:30 class, which is held in a stunning old monastery. I normally do not eat breakfast before class, as breakfast is not a big deal and Spain and usually consists of coffee and toast. After my first class, there is a thirty-minute coffee break every day where we enjoy free coffee, pastries, and cookies while chatting and spending time together. I usually have around one to two more classes after our coffee break and am out of class by 2:00 in the afternoon every day. I make sure to go back to my apartment by 2:30 to have lunch with my host mom, which normally includes soup, salad, bread, cheese, fruit, and yogurt. The food is traditional, healthy, and fresh, and I enjoy catching up with my host mom as we eat the biggest meal of the day.
After lunch, it’s typical to take a short nap called a siesta, which I enjoy after classes and a large meal. Once I’m awake and functioning again, I like to meet my friends to grab a coffee and do some homework. Some days we enjoy watching the incredible sunsets from the Medieval castle, which has stunning views of the entire city and countryside. I make sure to be home for dinner by 9:00, although some nights we don’t start dinner until 10:30. I like to shower and get comfortable before dinner, given that it is normally late in the day. Dinner is typically lighter than lunch and I enjoy talking with my host mom after dinner for a while, which as a bonus, has significantly helped me practice and improve my Spanish. Afterward, if I’ve done all my homework, I wind down by playing guitar or watching a show before going to bed. Overall, the typical school day in a small Spanish town is well-balanced with a good mix of work, family time, leisure, and socialization.