Hello! My name is Nora Gore! I’m a junior history and theatre major and I am currently in the University of Southern Mississippi’s British Studies Program in London! I chose this program because not only do we get to take a fascinating British History class, but we get to travel all over London every single day and learn by exploring and learning the history behind some of the most iconic sites in the UK. I have never been overseas before, so this was a perfect introduction to one facet of European cultures that is somewhat closer to what I know but still vastly different in more ways than one. Before this trip, I tried to get a good picture of what I was getting into culture-wise and what the social norms were. I wanted to blend in and appreciate the differences in style, food, conversations, and routines. I also looked into all the areas of London and realized just how big it is, which gave me a good idea of where I would be spending more time and where I would have to travel farther to get to. I am so excited to spend the next month in a city rooted in a rich history that has influenced the rest of the world in many ways!