Recent Travels by Raechel Irby

This past month I have done a lot of travelling and celebrated my 21st birthday. I have travelled to Milan, Italy, all over Germany, Granada, Spain, and Ibiza Spain as well. Seeing so many different sites and learning about different cultures while travelling has been such a great experience. Even going to different places in Spain and seeing those cultures and hearing the different accents and seeing the different ways of life from community to community reminds me a lot of the differences between the North and the South of the states. It is also so easy to travel around Europe for less because you can either take a train, bus, or plane and be in a different country in a matter of hours, also if the country is part of the European Union, then you don’t have to go through customs which is nice. For my birthday I celebrated it the typical Spanish way with a touch of American just because it was my 21st. Typically for your birthday you have a big dinner and then blow out the candles and hang out with your family and friends until going out, if that is something you choose to do. I went to my best friend’s house here in Spain and her family made me my favorite dish and then showed me one of their family traditions, putting the candles in two pints of ice cream. In school we celebrated “Día de Libro” or international book day which celebrates writers and books. There was an assembly where people from their given countries read in their native language either a poem or a small part of a book to everyone in celebration to this holiday. Libraries and bookstores also do a discount for this day as well. I am sad to come back home at the end of May since my time here is coming to a close but excited to see tell everyone what I have learned since I have been here.

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