This past week I traveled to Prague and Berlin, both stunning cities that in my opinion are very underrated. Prague was a complete surprise, to begin with the fact that they use Czech crowns and not euros like the rest of Europe. Prague’s public transportation system was awesome, and you could move by tram or subway throughout the whole city for very cheap. The most pleasant surprise I had was how beautiful Prague’s architecture was. The city reminded me of Paris but more colorful and overall it looked like a place out of a fairytale, mostly the astronomical clock and the streets surrounding it. Also, they had delicious food all over the city from paprika sausages to chicken kebabs and ice-cream filled doughnut cones. It was also interesting to see how many different types of coffees they offer in Prague, every single coffee shop had a menu of about 6 different types of espressos and 7 different types of lattes, which by the way were also delicious. Although Berlin was very different, I have no complaints about the city. Overall, the buildings looked very new, mostly because tons of them were destroyed during WWII, and there were tons of parks and green areas throughout the city making it very pleasant to wander around. It was very eye opening to me to realize that 70 years ago Berlin was a desolated war-torn city and that only about 30 years ago the city was still split in half by an impenetrable wall. Throughout the city there are many places of memory and monuments in remembrance to victims of the Holocaust as well to the East German regime. My favorite part of Berlin was seeing the Berlin wall covered in graffiti, my guess to try and make it a happier place of memory of the events that occurred.