Lapland, Finland by Sophia Stoios

Through the University of Tartu’s Erasmus Student Network (ESN) we were able to take a trip to Lapland, Finland. It was such a cool experience! First of all, it is located in the Arctic Circle – so it was amazing just to be that far north. On top of the beautiful location, which was a snow covered paradise, there was so many fun activities. I was able to drive a snowmobile through the forest and over a frozen lake. We could not go as fast as I wanted, but it was still really fun. It was actually really hard to turn because the steering was heavy, and one person actually flipped. I also rode in a reindeer sled. The reindeer pulling the cart in front of us was not happy and kept ramming the owner with his antlers, but thankfully he was used to it and was not injured. My favorite activity was dog sledding. The huskies were all so beautiful and we went so much faster than I had ever expected. The absolute best part of the entire trip was seeing the NORTHERN LIGHTS!! They were just as beautiful and amazing as I had imagined. I d do not think I have ever been so speechless and mesmerized in my entire life. These were all truly once in a lifetime experiences and I am so grateful for this opportunity. I will never forget this trip!

Giorgia, Nienke and I before the reindeer sled ride
The best part of the trip was seeing the NORTHERN LIGHTS!!! Giorgia, Nienke, Marc and I had to wait in -3 degree weather for about two hours to get this picture – but it was totally worth it!!
Friends and I on a sledding hike through the forest. The snow was about 2 feet deep on the edge of the path.

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