Everything You Need to Know Before Studying Abroad by Spencer Marsh

First things first, you will most certainly either pack too much or too little. But fear not! The odds are you probably have everything you need in your new temporary home. And if they don’t, then that means you are going to embrace living in that culture faster than you thought. In my opinion, packing a bit light is always the best option. It will leave you ample space to bring the memories home with you. But please do not forget to bring the right shoes, and the right number of shoes. I quickly discovered my converse were not going to cut it, walking around my rock laden, hill infested town. Try and bring a pair of shoes for the comfort, and another for the style.

Next, even if you’re shy like me, take as many pictures as you can. You might regret the ones you didn’t. While I did not always feel camera ready, I am very grateful for all the photos I’ve taken. It’s a fun and easy way to remember the best time of your life, and this will be the best time of your life. If you’re really feeling yourself, try to take some really cool poses or freeze frame shots. Don’t worry about the stares that you will definitely get, cause guess what, you will never see that person again.

One important note to make, if you live with a host family, do your best to become a part of their family. If they did not want you there, you would not be there. At first, it may seem a bit awkward, especially if you don’t speak their language very well. But in the end, it will help to get the best culture experience you can from this whole trip! As well as, you will be making life-long friends in the process.

Last but not least, please don’t forget to travel everywhere you can. Even if it’s a day trip. Going anywhere is better than spending every weekend cooped up in your room. When you travel abroad, you never know who you might meet, or what experiences you might have unless you try. Plane hoping from country to country is the best way to experience new cultures and broaden your horizons, as well as learn to better appreciate what you have. Personally, I recommend going to Morocco and London. They were two very different cultural experiences that gave me a better understanding of my own culture.

Good luck!

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