This study abroad experience in Trujillo has solidified and taught me a lot of truths about
myself and my needs throughout being here. This city is beautiful with its cobblestone streets,
mountainous views, and castles on the hill, but it has a lot more than just picture-perfect value.
Living in Trujillo has taught me a lot about simplicity and patience, and within that I’ve found paths to becoming my authentic self. I think sometimes when I am in the United States with my car and a source of income, I tend to focus on going, buying, and constantly being on the move.Here, there isn’t any of that. There are no shopping centers nearby, pointless roads to drive down, or rooftop bars to justify spending money at. What they do have are sweet cafes and sunset viewpoints, a simple plaza to have a glass of wine and do some homework, and restaurants with very easy foods. Living in a simpler space has brought a lot of peace, as I’ve learned that I don’t have to spend money or be busy 24/7 to enjoy myself.
Being among so many people whom you share so little cultural common ground, it can be
hard to navigate judgments and expectations, but it’s possible. For me, not knowing the
language here has been a great tool in coming to understand that sometimes all we can do is try
our best. Especially within this circumstance, as we live with families that we converse with
daily, it’s important to remind ourselves that our speech isn’t always going to be perfect, our
comprehension won’t be either, but so long as we are trying to connect, it will be felt and
understood. Language isn’t our only form of communication and I feel like that is easy to forget
when we’re so heavily immersed in such a daunting, but thrilling experience.