Spain by Maddie Brown

This week on my study abroad first tour, we got the opportunity to explore on a guided tour through the town of Girona, Spain. We got to learn about the fascinating history of the town and about how they had been getting attacked by the French over the territory with it being only 45 minutes outside of France. The French had always won the battles between them and Girona, all except one time and it is said that this is because they invaded the church and had gone into a tomb of an old priest and once this happened, hundreds of flies began to attack the soldiers and drive them away.

Now this may sound insane, but it is all according to legend and that is why flies are so important to the Girona’s people and it is considered “bad luck” to kill one. There was even a huge sculpture of a fly outside of the church! We were able to walk across the long bridge and see all of Girona and it was quite beautiful, unlike anything I had ever seen. After our tour I was able to get some delicious lunch in the square, the prices over here are insane, and the way they pay as well. If you want to split a check, you simply tell them your price and you don’t have to tip!

After lunch, we took a bus ride to the Dali Museum, and this had some of the most amazing while also crazy artwork I had ever seen. While easy to navigate, we still had a tour guide, but Dali said he didn’t want any tour guide to explain his work. Dali would say if you cannot understand the work, that makes you stupid, according to our tour guide… Dali was quite an interesting individual. With this, our tour guide let us make our own interpretations of the artwork and sculptures and simply gave us a run-down of his quite bizarre life but I learned so much about his life and it gave me a chance to open my mind and really get creative with the interpretations. It was one of my favorite days I have had on abroad!

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