I studied abroad at La Rochelle, France for four months to learn the French language and culture. It was an incredible experience, something I would do again if I could. It made me realize that I would want to work in France or Europe if I was given the opportunity. Living in a different country has given me a lot of lessons about culture, people and life itself. I have learned to adjust to different lifestyles and how to blend in with a different culture. It makes me reflect about my culture and how I look at people from my own culture. After staying in another country for four months, I was able to come back to my culture and notice things I had never noticed before. One example is the fashion and how people dress. When I returned to the United States, I started seeing a lot more athletic clothing like leggings and t-shirts. I never saw anyone where a t-shirt or leggings in France unless they were exercising.

My study abroad prepared me on how to interact with people from different cultures. In the future I want to work outside the United States, so I feel more prepared to work with people from different countries. I will have a better understanding on how to be more respectful to my coworkers. I will be more comfortable working in an environment where I would have to speak in a different language other than English. This will help me become more confident and therefore more successful in the future.
My advice to future students who want to study abroad is to try and learn the language of where they are going. Therefore, they should live with a host family. Not only does it help you with your language, but it will get you out of your comfort zone. I think it is important to try things that might make you feel uncomfortable because you will grow and become a different and better person. By learning the language, you will meet new people who are great and also possibly make lifelong friends.