Hello my name is Ashley Hubbard! I am a double major in Biology and Spanish here at the College of Charleston. I am a rising junior at the College. I am currently in the Summer Session 1 program in Trujillo, Spain with the College of Charleston. I am living in Trujillo and traveling around Spain for about 5 weeks. I will be studying topics in Hispanic culture and introduction to textual analysis. I chose this program for multiple reasons. First because I am a Spanish major and know that immersion is important when trying to become fluent in a language. I also love to learn about other cultures and history. I also wanted to try something new by leaving the country for the first time! Some goals I have set for myself are of course to get better at Spanish and also by challenging myself to meet new people and experience new things because change is scary for me. I have already looked into the beautiful places we are going to visit and am so excited to see Caceres, Merida, and different parts of Andulacia. I also looked into proper Spanish etiquette, typical meals eaten in Spain and how to pack efficiently when traveling out of the country. I think my favorite part will be traveling and visiting and learning about new places. I can’t wait to share more about this amazing opportunity and lovely experiences.