Berberè Pizzeria by Maria Shealy

Berberè pizzeria sits on a corner where wide, popular streets meet, as opposed to the narrow, more intimate alleyways that are stereotypical of the U.S.’s idea of Italy. With floor to ceiling windows taking up most of the front, passerby are allowed to see into the space. Painted white concrete walls, stylish wooden accents, and modern light fixtures let you know that it’s a rather new restaurant, but the warm and happy atmosphere carries even through the glass to anyone outside, drawing them in. From such an inviting look to the immediately welcoming waitress, I knew I would enjoy my experience. The place was packed when I went at peak dinner hour, full of laughter between groups of friends, old and young, and couples sharing meals. The couple nearest my roommate and I’s table even had their dog with them, weaving through their legs and begging for food. A great playlist came over the speakers from a sound system near my table, a mix of music from different genres and countries, just like the diverse customers. The service was as amazing as the food and I loved the menu. It’s great for English speaking travelers because it’s all in both English and Italian for native speakers (or anyone learning!) They have a great selection of pizza, with some really interesting options, among a few salads and other dishes. On the back of the menu they explain where they get all of their ingredients because they’re dedicated to making real food. They use organic ingredients whenever possible, “since organic is the only method of agriculture capable of preserving the earth for future generations. About 85% of the products we buy are certified organic. Some products aren’t, but they come from farmers and breeders who share our artisanal philosophy.” Their mission statement listed on their website explains it best. “Berberè’ was born in 2010 with the mission of serving delicious artisanal pizza, made only with living sourdough, digestible and without frills, in a welcoming atmosphere. We work with organic ingredients, and our only gospel is quality.” Now this isn’t the cheapest option for pizza, but for the quality and the amount you get, I think it’s definitely more than worth it. You could spend four euros on one personal slice from many of the cafes around, or you could spend ten euros for eight slices, perfect to take home as leftovers for another meal! They also have a short list of artisanal desserts made by master pastry chef Luigi Biasetto. The desserts range from four to six euros. (That’s about the price most gelato shops charge.)

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