A Day in the Life by Colleen Brockwell

A typical day abroad for me normally is that I wake up around 8:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays since I have class at 9:55(Mondays and Wednesdays I have class at 12:55, no class on Fridays) I normally get up and make some breakfast which is normally eggs and yogurt, since I live in an apartment with five other girls, we have to cook our own meals. Then do any homework that I may have not done the night before. Then I get dressed, etc. and head out for my class, around 9:15. The bus stop is about a three minute walk from me and I go on about a 10 minute bus ride to school. My apartment is super close to the two campuses where my classes are at Universidad de Nebrija which is really convenient. Then I go to my first class which is Literatura which is my Spanish class about literature in early Spain (hardest class I took abroad). Classes run for an hour and twenty minutes, so I have my next class at 11:30, which is my Specific Grammar Problems which is also another Spanish class. I love this class and my teacher, she makes it really fun for us. After that I normally get lunch with my friends who are in home stays since they are only given breakfast and dinner from their host parents or mom. So we always find a place we have never been to before and take the metro there. After, we sometimes like to walk around, do some shopping or just hang out. I normally get back to my apartment around 4 P.M. and just do some studying and homework. Then I hangout with the girls in my apartment and just talk, sometimes we turn on our T.V. which only has two channels, only in Spanish. Then, if we do not feel like eating at home, we like to go out and get some food around 8 P.M.. We normally just go to Malasana or Sol (two neighborhoods in Madrid) since it always has such a variety of yummy food. Then head home around 9 or 10 , I shower and watch some videos then go to bed

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