All the CofC students decided one weekend that we wanted to go and visit Prague. To properly “optimize” our time within the city, we decided to catch a train at 4:30am. Since our train was so early, we decided it would be of our best interest to remain out all night and just move to the train station early in the morning. What we did not consider was how unbelievably exhausted we would be. After making it onto the train, and inevitably passing out from exhaustion, we woke up to rolling hills far from the city and a new language, we made it to Prague. The first mission of the day was to find coffee and locate our accommodation. After recovering through midafternoon naps, we went out to sightsee a little prior to dinner. The next morning, we all went out together to get brunch at the little coffee shop you see in the photo, it was a truly revitalizing experience. The rest of the day, we walked around the seemingly small city, visiting landmarks, parks, small restaurants, and churches. That day we walked 8 miles making it from the city center to the castle, and back. My favorite part of this trip was the fact that we were able to make it to a completely different country, enjoy the completely different culture, and spend time together as a group without a real plan. The freedom that I experienced from this was very special to me and made me really appreciate where I was and the people I was with.
To the whole CofC group, our Prague trip was incredible special to us, for it was where we all became really close to one another. From that point on we have been inseparable from one another. It is crazy what kind of friends you can make over a lack of sleep and coffee.