I am currently studying abroad in La Rochelle, France, working towards the completion of my French and Francophone Studies minor. I am attending class at La Rochelle Université, which is a public, French university, about the same size as CofC. It has been so cool to experience life as a student in France, while also meeting so many interesting people.
I did not have many expectations as to what attending school in another country would be like before I arrived, but I have noticed many differences so far. The first one being that the majority of all students have the same course schedule: one block of class from 9:45-1:00 and another from 3:00-6:15; although not everyone has both everyday. Before classes each morning, it is common for students to be standing and talking with friends outside of the main class building. We also all have the same break time halfway through class and the same time for lunch. It is nice to be able to see my friends that I do not have class with during these times and to take a break and relax. The three-hour long classes were definitely daunting at first, but they are one thing that once adjusted to, became much easier and more enjoyable with time.
Also, the way in which material is presented during class was a big change for me. It is not common for anyone to be using a laptop during my French classes here in France, like it is for all of my classes at CofC. Instead, the professors give us paper handouts and all assignments are done by hand. This was a major adjustment for me at the beginning, but one that I am starting to really enjoy.
Next, one of my favorite parts about attending class at La Rochelle Université is the fact that I am in class with international students who are also learning and improving their french speaking, reading, and writing skills. My fellow classmates are of different ages and are from all over the world. There are students from Ukraine, the Netherlands, South Africa, Japan, Poland, Brazil, among others. I have always loved getting to know new people, so I have really enjoyed talking to many of the other students and asking them questions about themselves and their homes.
While attending class at a French school has definitely come with many changes and adjustments that I had originally imagined, I am really enjoying my new school and everyone I have met along the way very much!