As I am sitting in my Uber on the way to the airport, I am filled with a multitude of emotions. The first emotion I feel is sadness. Sadness to leave this wonderful city, the study abroad program, my new friends, and my professors. The next emotion I feel is happiness. I look back on every experience I had, every person I met, and every memory I will cherish forever, and I feel so happy to have these experiences. My last emotion, and arguably the most important, is gratitude. I am so grateful for the experience that I have just had that I will treasure forever. I am grateful to have this opportunity through the College of Charleston to travel, explore new places, learn about and experience new cultures, and make lifelong connections while simultaneously enriching my education through lectures, discussions, readings, and academic visits. It is one of those things that you can’t explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it, but studying abroad is truly a life-changing experience, and I can confidently say that I have grown in so many ways as a person. In my opinion, studying abroad is simply an opportunity that students should not let slip through the cracks. As a piece of advice for future students, stay on top of your studies and research study abroad opportunities you might be interested in. Many of the programs have GPA requirements and other selective criteria. For this reason, it is important to take note of these requirements and work hard to ensure you will meet them. Additionally, I advise students to plan their yearly course schedule around study abroad programs they might be interested in. I have many friends who wanted to study abroad but were unable to because they did not plan ahead, and the classes that were offered for the study abroad programs applicable to their chosen studies were classes they had already taken. My last piece of advice is to step out of your comfort zone. I have participated in two summer study abroad programs, and both times I did not have any friends going on the trip with me. It can feel very scary to go to a new country without knowing anyone. I was hesitant to participate in a study abroad program without friends accompanying me on the trip, but I can promise that everything will work out. I have made so many meaningful connections and met some of my best friends through studying abroad. Overall, I could not be more grateful for this experience, and I urge other students to consider studying abroad as it has helped me grow as a person, changed my outlook on the world, and enhanced my academics.