Advice for Future Study Abroad Students by Camille Burch

My advice for future students would be three things.

1. Research your host country in detail. There is no way to prepare for everything and all of the culture shocks, but this is a good way to make sure that you won’t get embarrassed or freaked out by new cultural customs or their way of life in general. For example, when I researched Spain, I found out about the later meal times. By finding this knowledge, I began to eat later in America to get my stomach used to the time difference.
2. Never say no when your host family offers something to you. This applies to food, mostly, but also experiences like the fair I went to in Trujillo. This is the best strategy to make sure that you don’t waste your time in your host country. You will be able to try a variety of new foods and experiences that you would have been ignorant to in America. Do not waste any opportunities.
3. Be appreciative of everything. When you are in a different country, I know that it can be hectic, but there is a world of different experiences that you could open yourself up to and enjoy. Even the little things should be appreciated. The architecture, the language, the mannerisms of the people, the common places that people spend their time in, these all have great meaning to the locals, but you should also be mindful of these aspects and take time to soak it all in.

My trip to Trujillo really inspired me to double major in Spanish and Political Science, instead of just minoring in Spanish. I became more appreciative of the language, and more scared of losing my progress. It also made me think of my greater place in the world. My host family helped me realize that Europe, too, is a place where I could pursue immigration law, and that fluency isn’t too far off or impossible. When I was in America, I felt so unimpressive when it came to my speaking skills, but after my time in Spain I became more confident and appreciative of myself and my efforts.

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