Host Family by Hannah Johnson

One of my favorite aspects of my study abroad experience was living with a host family. Living with a host family not only enhanced my Spanish speaking skills, but also gave me the opportunity to see the Spanish culture in everyday, ordinary life. Furthermore, living with a host family allowed me to feel more connected to Trujillo and a part of the community.

Living with a host family was also one of the scariest parts in anticipation of my trip. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to feel comfortable in my house and around my family. I was surely wrong! From the moment my host mom, Eva, picked me up from the bus stop I felt loved and cared for. I loved finding my place in the family. I loved creating unspoken routines, like it was my job to make sure we had water and silverware at the table for lunch. I also lived with my host sister, Eleana who is 14 years old. She became someone I talked to and practiced my Spanish with. I looked forward to our lunch time conversations & food everyday!

Not only was the family I lived with great, but our neighbor was also the grandmother! She made wonderful food & times where my host mom was out of town she always came and checked on me & Eleana & brought us delicious wonderful food. Also, in my very first week I was able to me my host moms brother & his husband. They made me laugh so much & made me feel so loved.

I also had two other host siblings who went to college in Madrid, so they were not home full time. Their names were Rodrigo & Estrella. Estrella & I really hit it off. She was so wonderful & knew English so we were able to communicate in both languages. To this day we text each other & have hopes to see each other one day again. Whenever I was in Madrid Estrella made time to see me & show me some of her favorite places. My host family shaped my experience in Spain & became some of my favorite people I have ever met!


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