The people in Ireland have been so incredibly nice and fun. Perhaps because they’ve had so many hardships that have followed them for so long. They are perhaps a nation of happy people who fought so long to be their own nation that they are accepting and kind because they still know the feeling of being mistreated. My generation is the first in centuries to not be living through death, famine, and in fighting in Ireland. It is however still a fresh wound that kept reopening like a blister on the bottom of a foot. They are still healing. The way they choose to heal by welcoming folks with open arms and love. I have learned and grown so much on this trip. I have not only learned facts but about myself. I have learned that I am much more courageous than I thought. Starting with going through airports and on flights by myself to now flying back home by myself with 2 layovers at night and not being very nervous. I also got the absolute most out of this opportunity by pushing myself out of my comfort zone a little by talking to the locals. Talking to the locals gave me some great insight into what it is really like in Ireland as well as some great stories and connections/friends to visit in the years to come. I also got the chance to meet folks in and see the archaeology department a bit at University College Cork and am now seriously considering it for grad and post grad. This trip has been life changing and has given me great insight and direction for what I may want in the future. Thank You To Dr. E. Moore Quinn for this spectacular experience!