Here in Spain, they have different philosophies that are present in one’s life then what can be said of the American way of thinking and of life. There is emphasis on individualism here but also a strong aspect of collaboration amongst friends. It is common to not go a day without seeing your friends or loved ones here for a coffee or glass of wine after a workday. Friends are a huge part of daily life here which correlates with the prevalence of spending as much as possible somewhere other than in one’s house. The house is not the preferred place to decompress instead anywhere other than the house frequently is some sort of cafe. Another facet of life here in Spain is the expressiveness and frankness displaced in conversations as an example. The people here speak in ways that portray how they feel using not only their words but their facial expressions and hand gestures to convey a message. The frankness stems from Spaniards being honest almost to a fault but never mean it in a malicious way. If there is a problem, they deal with it and when faced with a problem they stay calm. In my opinion their approach to life is simplified and extremely applicable to daily life anywhere in the world. Going back to the states I think my goal is to spend more quality time with my family and friends. Asking more friends to go out and get coffee or dinner as fun ways to stay out of the house during the day. Spainards are just more relaxed in general. I would say it is different than the hustle bustle of the American way of life which tends to lean towards different ideals more wealth or personal gain focused which there is nothing significantly better or worse than the two ways of life other than the fact that they are pretty many opposites. Part of this would be the American dream and all the ideas that surround that approach to life which adheres to the principle of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.