My Life in Spain by Lauren Anderson

It is crazy to think that I have been in Spain for a little over three months now. When I first came abroad, I was worried about adjusting to a new lifestyle away from my family, friends, and the beautiful city of Charleston. However, I could not be happier with how my experience has been while being abroad. 

Living with a host family has made the transition from life in the U.S. to life in Spain a lot easier than I anticipated. Adjusting to the different mealtimes, cuisine, and laidback lifestyle has been something I have come to love. I have been able to make friends through my program, ISA, as well as my host university. I attend school Monday-Thursday, which gives us the opportunity to travel and experience new places on the weekend. One of my favorite parts about study abroad is my commute to school! It is so different to Charleston in this aspect, and I have learned to enjoy it and take in the beautiful city each morning. Watching the sunrise on the metro is such a peaceful way to get the day started and something I will miss about my time in Spain. At school, all the international students take classes in the same building; so, it is fun to see all your friends between class changes and during breaks, very different than at a standard American University! This semester I am taking International Finance, International Marketing, Global Economy, and Spanish Conversation. These classes are perfect for my major as well as for learning in a global classroom. After classes I take the metro home to enjoy lunch with my host family and a siesta – a tradition I love! The siesta is a midday break after lunch that allows time to rest and spend time with family. During siesta many shops are closed, and people spend time inside as it is often very hot outside at this time!

An afternoon in Sevilla is the perfect time to enjoy the weather and spend time socializing. Some of my favorite ways to spend the afternoons are at a cafe with friends, walking in the beautiful parks, or shopping! A typical afternoon consists of a cafe con leche at my favorite local coffee shop and a walk along the river! I have found that it is so important to keep up with your habits and find things that make you feel like home! This can look so many different ways! For me, it was important to stay active. Finding a local gym was an easy way to do so! Another great way to feel at home is finding a coffee shop that you love! My friends and I love meeting up and spending hours socializing and doing homework together in a familiar place to us. It is also a great way to meet locals and getting to know the baristas can be so much fun!

A major adjustment for myself was using public transportation! Sevilla is a very walkable city, but using public transportation is a must when commuting to school, or if you are looking to quickly move across the city.  Before coming aboard, I had never used public transportation, but I feel as though I have become a pro! Both the metro and bus systems are very easy to use and another great way to get to know the city.

Life in Spain has been very enjoyable and something I am not ready to say goodbye to. With a month left in my journey I am looking forward to seeing my friends and family again, but I will miss so many things about being abroad. Until then, I am excited for many more metro sunrises, siestas, and cafe con leches!

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