Hello everyone, my name is Johanna E. Clark. I am so excited to share my journey throughout my study abroad with you. Currently, I am studying abroad in Bangkok, Thailand at Mahidol International University. Due to my love of culture and travel, I am studying Hospitality and Tourism Management with a minor in environmental studies. I aspire to work in the ecotourism industry to utilize the tourism industry as a means to promote conservation and sustainable education. I became interested in Thailand as it is one of the leading tourist destinations in the world with some of the richest biodiverse ecosystems. Ultimately, I made my decision based on the first-hand experiences of previous College of Charleston students and YouTube vlogs. During my time abroad I want to challenge myself to become more self proficient, globally educated, and find new markets for ecotourism to bring back to the States. In Thailand, I hope to gain a new perspective on the world as I immerse myself in the beauty of Thai culture.