By far the highlight of my study abroad experience was the three day tour I took of the Highlands. Before the trip I had seen some really gorgeous parts of Scotland and I thought that I had seen everything that the country had to offer. I was so beyond wrong. The Highlands was the most beautiful place I have ever been to in my entire life. The sheer amount of mountains that break the clouds and beauty that they shine upon the ground is breathtaking when you first see it. Not only that but the lochs were unlike any lakes I set eyes on. On the days I was there they were like a large plain of glass reflecting the sky and mountains that surrounded them. But the best part of the entire trip was my swim in Loch Ness. I have never been so cold in my entire life but I did not regret it one bit. We stopped on the side of Loch Ness and prepared ourselves for the cold waters that we were about to experience. By the time I was out of the water I couldn’t feel any part of my body and that lasted for about twenty minutes. I was also lucky enough to avoid Nessie during my plunge. But from the tops of peaks to the lows of the lochs the Highlands proved that Scotland has everything to offer. Not only was I accompanied by friends from the university, I also had one of the best tour guides I could have asked for. Nory, a local from Stirling, not only gave us history of the lands we were exploring but also provided us with contemporary ideas in Scottish history and politics. I would highly recommend that if you are in Scotland for any amount of time, to make more time to go up and visit any part of the Highlands because I can promise you that you will be just as amazed as I was at its beauty.