I am Hannah Johnson, a junior at the College of Charleston. I am currently studying abroad in Trujillo, Spain under the COFC faculty led program. I am majoring in International Business and minoring in Spanish. I chose this program because I wanted to be able to fully immerse myself in Spanish culture as much as possible. I also wanted to be surrounded by the Spanish language as much as I could be, and in Trujillo not many people can speak English! I also chose this program because of the opportunities set up for students, such as traveling to Andulcia and Mérida. Also, the program includes living with a host family and that was something I was really looking forward to when studying abroad. I have set many goals for myself while I am studying abroad. For example, one goal was to try all the traditional food here in “extremadura” Spain (the region of Spain Trujillo is located in). Also, I set a goal to speak Spanish as much as I could with the locals even though it can be intimidating! Furthermore, I set the goal to get to know the other students studying abroad with me. Before going to Spain, I have researched popular cities and destinations in Spain. I am excited to learn even more about the history and culture while living there. This semester in Spain is going to provide me with valuable experiences that will help me in my future career and life.