My name is Thea Eiland. I am a rising junior here at the College of Charleston and I am majoring in Arts Management with a double minor in Film Studies and Theater. The study abroad program I chose for this summer is Presenting the Performing Arts in Scotland. There are a number of reasons why I chose this trip. For one, this class is an Arts Management credit, specifically focusing on the music industry. Despite, the fact that I do not plan on going into the industry, I find that it is important to learn about a variety of industries to get a well-rounded background. In addition, many of the skills needed to be successful in the music industry and the same skills needed to be successful in other arts industries as well. In addition, I was supposed to go to Ireland last year, but unfortunately, it was canceled due to COVID. Since then, I have not been able to get Europe out of my mind and I was determined to go. I have done a variety of research on Scotland, from the customs to the dress to various arts and cultural institutions. I want to make the most of the time I have there, so I created a rather packed itinerary. I cannot wait to arrive!