Some of my favorite days abroad have been the weekend trips I have taken and the cooking class we did as a group. While studying in Florence I was able to make these trips to Sorrento, Italy and Bern, Switzerland as well as a couple day trips. In class one the most important things to me that I have learned is about cultural humility. To me this concept is so important because it teaches me how to learn about other’s cultural identity while being respectful. I have used this not only in Italy but while also going to Switzerland. While on my weekend trip in Bern, Switzerland I was able to learn new cultural beliefs and recognize what makes Bern unique. While in this town I was able to see The Zytglogge Clock Tower, Bern Cathedral, Rosengarten and more. All of these landmarks were so beautiful and have such interesting history. I think this particular weekend trip made me grow as a person because I forced myself to go out of my comfort zone by going alone. This trip and my study abroad as a whole taught me that I am more capable of doing things than I think I am. One of my other favorite things was the cooking class we did as a study abroad group in Florence. I really enjoyed this class because I love learning how to cook different things. During the class we made an appetizer, two types of pasta, and a dessert. My favorite part was making the fresh pasta and sauce. Doing activities like these during study abroad helped me understand Italian culture even more by learning about their traditions. There is so much to be learned about Italian culture by seeing landmarks, classes, and just exploring around towns. I would recommend to anyone who goes to Italy or Europe to immerse yourself into these activities to get the full experience.