My name is Bryce Maldonado. I am a rising Senior and I major in Psychology with a minor in Medical Humanities. The program I am participating in is the faculty led CofC in Florence (Psychology). I chose this program because it was a combination of everything I was looking for. As an aspiring Child Life Specialist, the course we are taking while in Florence and in combination with the Child Life graduate students, piqued my interest. We are learning about development and family dynamics through the lens of another culture, while incorporating our cultural perspectives. Through this course I am able to further my knowledge in developmental psychology as well as my knowledge of another culture outside of my own. While doing well in the class is my top goal and priority, I have also set goals for myself during my time in Florence. I would like to do the best I can to learn the language, at least necessary phrases, and experience all the museums, art, and history that Florence has to offer. I took AP Art History in high school and there are so many original pieces housed here in Florence that I learned about then, and would love to see in person now. In terms of my prior research about Italy, I mainly looked into what Tuscany has to offer, but also some other surrounding towns and regions. While Florence and Tuscany have so much to see and do, I want to make the most of my time here and visit other culturally historic cities in Italy. By the end of my program, I hope to be more academically and culturally well-rounded. I am here with the opportunity to learn from professors I have never had while at school, with students I did not know, and in a country I have never been to. It does not get much scarier or exciting than that, and I hope to achieve all the benefits I know I can, through this program and my experience in Florence.