The adjustment to life in Spain has been very fun so far, but one thing that I have noticed is that I have had to make sure that I am taking care of myself. A lot of the time when I am traveling or experiencing something new, I put my needs on the backburner because I don’t want to miss out on anything. Staying with a host family was something I was worried about, not because I thought they weren’t going to like me, but because they have a very different lifestyle than I am used to. In Charleston, I have a strict routine and shifting to a new one is an intensive process for me. The excitement of being in Trujillo has not worn off, but I am prioritizing establishing a routine that reflects that of my host family’s daily life. It can feel awkward to move into a home that you are unfamiliar with. A disruption to my adjustment was when I started to feel sick. I had gotten sick and didn’t want to feel like a burden or disruption to the family, I ended up deciding that I needed someone to help me with finding and going to the clinic. I asked my host mom, and she immediately came to help me. I couldn’t be more grateful for the support they are providing me with while studying in Trujillo. At the end of the day, it is normal life, just altered in schedules. The choice to ask for help made me feel more at home and was a way that I prioritized my needs during my stay. On top of finding a way to help myself, it was a different way to gain experience in a new country. It was a good way to experience something very normal but provided me with more learning of the language and culture in Trujillo. I am so thankful that everyone is more than willing to help and provide support, all you must do is ask because it never hurts.
I chose pictures of me with other students on the trip to demonstrate that there is a support system with people who are experiencing the same thing that you can go to for help when you need it.