Intro by Madi Rast

Hello! My name is Madi Rast, and I am a sophomore, but I am still undecided in major. I chose the study abroad summer program in Spoleto, Italy, Charleston’s sister city. The program includes two classes, The Travel Memoir taught by Professor Lott, who is also the director of the program, and The Italian Image in Nineteenth-Century American Literature taught by Dr. Peeples. Over the course of the program, we keep a travel journal, and write in it every day about our daily activities, from taking day trips to Rome, to walking into town for class. We write about everything. One of the reasons I chose this program was because I love to write. I have always loved to write, and with a program titled Creative Writing and Literature in Italy, I knew it was the one for me. I also chose this program to help me decide on a major, I thought I would be able to learn more about myself and what I love during this trip. I always knew I wanted to study abroad at some point, I have always loved to travel, but I wanted to travel not as a tourist but as a student. Being a tourist and a student abroad are completely different. As a student I get into a routine and go to a lot of the same places every day. As a tourist I would only go to the places that are advertised, missing out on so much. Living with 14 other students in the same villa is also a way for me to work on my communication skills. I have always been a little shy so this is something that would really help me open up to people. I did a little research about Italy before leaving and found out that there is no free water at dinner, or any free refills at all. At times, coffee or wine can even be cheaper than water. Outside though has many free water fountains that you can always fill you water bottle up in for free.


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