I spent this past Easter week in Sorrento, and it was unlike anything I have ever experienced before. To celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the people of Sorrento have parades otherwise known as Precessions. These Precessions are silently conducted three times throughout the town. In the first Precession, the participants are dressed in white robes, in the second they are dressed in white and black, and in the last, they are dressed in all black. The last Precession which they dress in black is something of a “funeral for Jesus” and is held on Good Friday. Watching these processions take place, I was faced with mixed emotions. The robes that the participants wear reminded me of the group the KKK. This group, located in the United States, is a white supremacist hate and terrorist organization, which has promoted fear and hate throughout the United States. Watching the precessions and how the Italian people adore this celebration of their culture, I realized that in the United States we have a very different perception of what the robes mean. After watching a precession I did research about the correlation of the robes between the processions and the KKK and I discovered that the terrorist organization twisted the meaning of the robes in the Untied States and that, “The significance of the pointed white hoods has nothing to do with the KKK and everything to do with Jesus’ death on the cross. While the KKK sides with the devil, the good-hearted devout Catholic penitents side with God”. After learning this, it astonished me how polar opposite the meaning of the robes are between the United States and Italy. Going into this experience I was told I would undergo culture shock. I thought the biggest shock I would experience was the language barrier, but as I see now there are many more layers to a society’s culture than just language and food. This vast difference in the meaning of the robes really opened my eyes to truly how different the Italian culture is from the United States.