I wanted to make my next blog post a day in my life in Spain, concentrating on what is new and different from the US! First; Monday, Wednesday, Friday I wake up around 8:10, already very different from my 6 am wake up call in the US. I go upstairs to talk with my host mom and make my breakfast. Normally an egg or a yogurt with fruit and a coffee. I get dressed and start my walk up we call ‘mega hill’. This steep incline starts my journey to the coria for classes and my daily workout. I start my day with a history class and then we have a coffee break. During this time all the students meet to have coffee and snacks while we break from our hour and fifteen minute class. Most of the other students leave at this time but me and two others have one more class. This conversation class is my favorite, because of the small group it is a very unstructured class. This helps us in growing our vocabulary and practicing grammar in a comfortable setting. After this it is one walk down mega hill to my house as I pass by the elementary school getting out for lunch and my local fruit stand. Back at my house I greet my family as we get ready to sit down and eat lunch around 2. This leads to the greatest thing ever invented, the siesta. This time is a totally relaxing time for the entire town. Everyone takes naps and I end up reading or watching a show in my room. After this, usually around 4:30/5, I meet with my friends at the local cafe to get work done. If I am pressed to focus I end up working at my house so I am not distracted. One more walk to see the sunset and my day is normally done, depending on the week. Dinner with the family is very calm and usually full of small talk and tapa style plates around 10/10:30 at night. We all relax in the living room till I’m too tired and head to bed around 1 am!!!